Silica intends to invest in gold mining, and considers it one of its future core projects. We have already begun locating sites that have geological or historical evidence of the presence of gold and are now in negotiations with the Yemeni government to obtain a license to explore one of these sites.
There are many studies and research, governmental, academic, and private, promising economic reserves in Yemen.
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Gold is associated with deposits of other metallic minerals, such as copper and Arsenopyrite, in the mineralized rocks and in the cavities of the network veins in the form of lenses compressed in the volcanic and sedimentary rocks, in the amphibolite rocks of the pre-Cambrian rocks, Trilogy. The results of the exploratory studies, which included geological and geochemical surveys, indicated that more than 50 sites exist for the presence of gold and silver. The following are the most important gold blocks in Yemen:
First: Open areas for investment:
Preliminary geological and geochemical studies of a number of samples showed encouraging results for the presence of gold, the most important of which are the following areas:
1 – Rabaq – Al-Namasah – Al-Jawf: 5.3 g/t.
Al-Matammah – Al-Jawf Governorate: 5.4 g/t.
3 – Jabal Sabreen – Al-Jawf Governorate: 18 g/t.
4 – Al Rayyan – Al Jawf Governorate: 4.6 g/t.
5 – Haidan – Saqeen – Sa’ada Governorate: 7.3 g/t.
6- Nawa – Ba’alan – Hajjah Governorate: 4 g/t.
7 – Bahrah – Harib Alkaramish – Marib Governorate: 16.5 g/t.
8- Najd –Al- Malaji – Shabwah governorate: 17 g/t.
9 – paper – Dhamar Governorate: 120 ppb gold.
10 – Ahem – argument: 75 g/t.
11 – Otumah – Dhamar: 3.2 g/t.
12- Waza’ia – Taiz: 0.6 g/t.
13 – Shatabah – Abyan: 35 g/t.
Second: Areas granted: –
1 – Flood – Sa’ada: 11.7 g/t (Yemen Minerals) from April 2016
2 – Hariqah – argument: 16 million tons, 1.65 grams / ton of surface gold reserves and reserves estimated at 40 million tons up to a depth of 100 meters and an estimated 1.55 g / t gold (granted to Canada’s Canucks)
3- Wadi Shares – Hajjah: 2.5 g / t gold (awarded to Second Dubai Mining Company)
4 – Wadi Madn – Hadramout: 15 g / t gold / (awarded to Thani Dubai Mining Company)
5 – Wadi Moore (Hajjah province) 20-170 g/t (granted to the Yemeni company Alamar since 2012)
6 – Wadi La’ah (Hajjah province) 20-3 g/t (granted to the company of Ansan Wikfs since 2014)
7- Asbah Al-Bayda Governorate has become 1.3 grams / ton of gold (granted to Ansan Wikfs since 2012)
8- Ras Nuhas 3%, Gold 0.62 g / ton (granted to Al-Hada Company since 2012)
Source: https://ygsmrb.org.ye/investment_chances/